Thursday, November 8, 2012

Stamp Requests!

Hey Y'all!

If you have a specific stamp that you're waiting for on the new website, please make a post here and let me know which it is.  I know that a few people mentioned requests on their orders over the last couple days, but I'm afraid that I was so focused on getting orders out that I didn't think to jot them down.  Sorry.  :o(

If you post your stamp requests here, I'll be sure to make them my top priority and let you know when they're up.  Otherwise I'm shooting to have the new website all updated and shiny by the end of the weekend.  :o)


Wednesday, November 7, 2012

A quick note on the Moving Sale

Hey All,

I wanted to put out a quick note regarding some confusion about the new shop and the Etsy sale.  Just a few points...

1) Etsy shop orders are still subject to the 24 hour turnaround time. has immediate ordering (I've gotten customer confirmation that's it's quick and easy!) but I still have to send out Etsy orders by hand.  I also still work a full-time job, so any orders made between 9pm MST and 6pm today will be sent out when I get home from work this evening.  Sorry about the confusion!

2) All of the stamps that were offered in the Etsy shop WILL be offered at  I'm afraid that you guys were so enthusiastic with your ordering that I wasn't able to get as many stamps moved over as I'd like (not that I'm complaining, mind you!  You guys ROCK!) so keep your eyes out and the stamps you're looking for will show up.  I'll make an announcement when all stamps are moved over.

3) There WILL be new MayzyArt stamps... but there may be a delay before I am able to post them.  Getting MayzyArt up to 100% is my primary goal right now and I will be going back home for a few weeks at the end of this month, so I'm not sure about a scanner situation at that point, but new stamps will be rolling out as soon as I'm able.  So many ideas!  So little time!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012 is live!

Hey Everybody,

I've officially launched!  I am in the process of moving all of the stamps over, so if some of your favorites are missing, just give it some time.  I'm going to try my darndest to get them all up tonight, but you guys are AMAZING and have submitted a ton of orders on the Etsy shop, and I don't want to delay in getting those orders out.


I'm new to this program and I'm sure there are going to be issues with the shop.  If you come across anything funny or have any problems, please email me at  Thank you!!

The BIG Announcement!!

Hello Everyone,

I live!  I want to thank everyone for being so patient with me over the last few months.  I can't tell you how crazy things have been and your notes of encouragement and kindness helped me through it all more than I can tell you.  Things are still not 100% back to normal and I'm afraid that the MayzyArt Challenge is going to currently stay on hold until January 2013, but I do have some big news as far as the shop goes...

Firstly, the events that took place during my absence have, unfortunately, left me with some bills that are sort of scary to think about.  As such, I'm having a big, big, super-big sale at!  In fact, EVERY STAMP in the shop is currently marked at FIFTY PERCENT OFF!  That's right, you can get single stamps for just a buck!  Stamp packs are starting at just $2.50!

Please share this news with all of your crafty friends.  I hate to sound beggery after you guys have been so awesome, but any income I can generate right now will be a huge relief.

But one thing you need to be aware of regarding this sale.  I have reduced the stock on all stamps to only 10 left and when they're gone... they're gone.


That's right, will be closing its doors for good.

But don't worry!  This is all building up to the opening of my NEW shop.... MAYZYART.COM! will offer a few changes and should be open to everyone, if all goes according to plans, by the end of the day today!  (I can't tell you how excited I am for this)

- Price increase: I'm sorry, y'all.  I didn't want to do it, but a girl's got to get by in the world.  The price increase is minor and MayzyArt stamps are still offered significantly cheaper than many online stamp providers.  I hope that you all understand!

- No more monthy freebies: Well, that's not entirely true.  Freebies now won't be sent with your purchase.  Instead, freebies will be posted to my freebie page  So you can benefit from the Mayzy freebies without even being obligated to a purchase.  That's actually a plus, right?

- Immediate shipping: That's right!  The reason freebies will no longer be packaged with orders is that orders will now be automatically sent to your email address!

- More payment options: Don't like PayPal?  I now accept credit cards!  (But don't fret PayPal lovers, it will still be just as acceptable)

- Much prettier and more convenient browsing: I love Etsy, don't get me wrong, but is gonna rock your socks.

So now, run to and take this chance to get all those MayzyArt stamps you've been eyeing and then please, please spread the word about this announcement!

Love you all,